
For A Better Environment

Jordan project 2

Apr 2011



Good Governance and Community Participation Tranings



Adapting to a changing climate in the Arab countries

Name of Client

World Bank - MNA

Project Funding

World Bank

Project Location

Arab States. Amman, Jordan

The Arab Region is one of the regions that is most vulnerable to climate change, on accounts of for example the highest level of water scarcity in the world, a significant dependence on climate-sensitive agriculture, and the concentration of populations and economic activity in flood-prone urban coastal zones. In this context, the World Bank has launched a Flagship study on climate change in the Arab region in partnership with the League of Arab States (LAS). The study focus is on the impacts of climate change in the Arab region and adaptation measures and policies. The Consultancy aimed at producing a report titled “Climate Change Impacts on Livelihoods and Living Conditions in Urban Areas ” The report forms part of the Flagship Study, which is structured in nine chapters. The consultant developed and produced Chapter 5 , providing a fully professional level analysis on climate change impacts in the urban sector. Technical and policy issues are outlined below:

The chapter aims to address the impacts of climate change on livelihoods and living conditions in urban areas in the Arab countries and to provide a general framework of recommendations for the municipal level implementation of adaptation activities in the urban areas.

The chapter has covered the following topics: Global Urbanization, Urbanization trends in the Arab Countries, Climate Change and Cities, Climate and disaster risk, Floods, Droughts, Salt Water Intrusion, Urban Heat Islands and Heat Waves, Vulnerability of Urban Sector to climate change, Urban Management and Climate Change, Governance and Management, Urban planning, Climate Adaptation Measures in Urban and Coastal Areas, Built Environment, Infrastructure Development and Investment and Conclusion.

In May 18th 2012, ESTIDAMA has organized an official launching of the Report in Jordan, more than 85 representatives form different sectors have attended the event. Prior to the event, ESTIDAMA has translated the English summary of the Report into Arabic.



Good Governance and Community Participation Trainings

Name of Client


Project Funding


Project Location

Amman, Jordan

Key Staff members were involved in the development and implementation of specific modules of different training programs. The program objective is capacity building for local councilors and planners.

The training modules were prepared to meet the needs of the trainees. The first module was focused on good governance and planning, while the second module focused on smart growth planning. The core objective of the governance and planning course was to introduce local councilors to the various concepts, principles, and skills that instruct the contemporary discourse on city governance and urban planning.

The governance and planning course was built on the following themes: role definition, communication, leadership and urban planning for decision makers.

In the Smart Growth Planning Module, the sessions shed light on various aspects and layers of the “smart” planning process, drawing attention to the following highlights: Comprehensive and strategic planning trends, the Amman plan model, smart urban growth principles, the creative use of GIS in urban plans, population projections, mapping social urban discrepancies, planning as a strategy to protect our urban heritage, and community participation.



Sustainable Smart Growth Training

Name of Client


Project Funding


Project Location

Amman, Jordan

An intensive urban planning training module, that focuses on the unorthodox approach of contemporary planning practice. The core objective of the course is to introduce participants to the various concepts, planning principles, approaches, processes and practices that instruct the contemporary discourse on sustainable smart urban growth.

The course is structured in such a way that it focuses on directing a participant-centered experience that involves interactive sessions, encounters with professionals, academics and decision makers, exposure to hands on exercises, site visits as well as a series of lectures and presentations. The training module consults also to the professional and academic knowledge of practitioners and academics alike pertaining to a spectrum of varied backgrounds. The course takes place over five days that include presentation by speakers, exercises, and site visits.

The course is designed to cater to the needs of civil servants currently involved in the practice of urban planning, urban governance and management, professionals who are intending to participate in the direction of urban development projects, growth strategies and steering of plan implementation processes in addition to students that are related to the profession of city-making in some way or another. The course is fully offered in Arabic.

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